Great prompts!

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Love these prompts and that they spark different things to the norm and what’s normal about what’s happening at the minute! 🙏💫😂

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thanks Louise!

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Gorgeous list. I want to triple star (***) this post for reference all month long.

You had me at, "Prompts for this month are meat & potatoes. They’re like coming in after a day at the beach—skin hot from the sun, hair wet from the shower, ready to chug a sparkling water from the fridge. An unplug, a replug."

As a beach lover--you nailed it.

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thank you Jessica! xx

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Good stuff. I've thumbed my nose at prompts for several years—until a few weeks ago. I feel dumb and am infuriated that I ignored prompts for so long. The first one I used, I had an entire story in my head within fifteen minutes. Crazy. The next one I used, turned out to be the best story I’ve ever typed with my nose. That doesn't sound right. But seriously, I'm writing the second draft now, well, not now because I'm buried in client work and in editing hell, but … ahh, forget it.

I'll see myself out.

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